Our graphic identity

The objective of this graphic identity manual is to ensure a cohesive and consistent usage of LEIRVIK´s profile elements. The profile manual should function as an efficient tool that supports LEIRVIK´s communication and branding strategy, and which upholds its corporate positioning as a market leader within its business areas. The profile manual showcases the elements of the profile such as logo, typography and colours.


Colours for Leirvik AS



LEIRVIK´s suppliers of printed materials, give-aways etc. are responsible for having Max LF in their font libraries. Arial is to be used for all screenbased material, and when using Microsoft´s Office package

Graphic object

Object can be used for headlines & titling
(advertisement & presentations)

Business card

Recommended paper quality is 350 gram Silk. The business card layout must be determined by the commercial printer or advertising


E-mail signature

Press here to generate your online signature: